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Curriculum Vitae


Jewellery artist and independent writer, researcher, curator and mentor

Born in 1973, Italy; resident in UK since 1994; IT and UK national



2015 - 2018 – MA by Project (practice-based research) at The (formerly Sir John Cass) School of Art, Design and Architecture, London Metropolitan University

2010 - 2015 – First Class BA (Hons) Three-Dimensional Design and Craft, Colchester School of Art

1994 - 1997 – BA (Hons) English, University of Surrey

Ongoing research in the fields of philosophy, anthropology, critical studies and history of art



2019 - “Make! Make! Make!” with Lisa Walker

2018 - "Dancing with jewellery" with Prof. Robert Ebendorf

2016 - "Selfie Now" with Prof. Ruudt Peters

2016 - "Creative and experimental surfaces in enamel" with Elizabeth Turrell

2015 - "Jewellery from found materials: design on the edge" with Prof. Robert Ebendorf

2015 - "Creative and experimental surfaces in enamel" with Elizabeth Turrell

2013 - "Experimental enamelling" with Jessica Turrell

2013 - "Story, Image, Object" with Zoe Arnold

2013 - "Design on the edge: jewellery as personal adornment" with Prof. Robert Ebendorf

2013 - "Re-cycle, re-use, re-see enamelling" with Elizabeth Turrell

2013 - "Jewellery and movement" with Tim Carson (Timothy Information Limited)

2012 - "Dancing with jewellery" with Prof. Robert Ebendorf



2019 – SKOK Collective - Pilot Balkan-based residency (co-curator and participant) with a collective of East- and West- European jewellery artists

2017 - "Initiation 2017", Athens, Greece

2016 - Collaborative Danish-British cross-cultural workshop with the UK Guild of Enamellers, Ravstedhus, Denmark




- KONTRAPUNKT No.3 - I ARE HERE, A Galerii, Tallinn, Estonia (February-March 2025)

- WHO GIVES A SCHICHT, collaborative project with Respct.Me Gallery (for Munich Jewellery Week, March 2025, and Munich Creative Business Week, May 2025)



- DON'T TELL ME A STORY - METALLOphone 2024 - International Biennial of Jewellery and Metal Art, Museum of Applied Arts and Design, Vilnius, Lithuania

- KONTRAPUNKT No.2 - PERMISSION TO SPEAK, Respct.Me Gallery, Munich, Germany (part of Munich Jewellery Week)

- COSMOS, LEM, JEWELLERY (invited artist, member of the advisory board, author of catalogue essay), Museum of Applied Arts and Design, Vilnius, Lithuania



- KONTRAPUNKT No.2 - PERMISSION TO SPEAK, Mathilde Gallery, Amsterdam, Netherlands (part of Obsessed! Festival)

- LE NOUED REVU / THE KNOT REVIEWED, Galerie Amira Sliman, Paris, France (part of Parcours Bijoux)

- KONTRAPUNKT, Dinámica Taller de Proyectos, Valencia, Spain (part of Melting Point)

- COSMOS, LEM, JEWELLERY (invited artist, member of the advisory board, author of catalogue essay)

- Academy of Fine Arts, Wroclaw, Poland

- Galerie Door, Veghel, Netherlands



- KONTRAPUNKT, K.A.A Galéria, Budapest, Hungary (as part of Budapest Jewelry Week)

- COSMOS, LEM, JEWELLERY (invited artist, member of the advisory board, author of catalogue essay), ICE Congress Centre, Krakow, Poland

- AGC.PUNTO22, exhibition of the Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo, Museo del Mediterraneo, Livorno, Italy



- MOIM ZDANIEM / IN MY OPINION, Poland: Yes Gallery, Poznan; Museum of Contemporary Jewellery, Warsaw; Jubinale Fair, Krakow; Regional Museum, Konin; Museum Ziemi Lubuskiej, Zielona Gora; Amber Museum, Gdansk.

- SKOK Collective pop-up exhibition, Meduza Café, Belgrade, Serbia



- SKOK Collective pop-up residency exhibition at Skopje Mobile Gallery, Macedonia

- IN SEARCH OF THE FOUND (curator and exhibitor) at Adorned Spaces, SNAG 2019 Conference "The Loop: Coming Full Circle", Chicago, USA

- GIOIELLI IN FERMENTO 2019 (Selected Artist), Castel San Giovanni, Italy

- MOIM ZDANIEM / IN MY OPINION, Poland: Dubiel Gallery, Warsaw; Yes Gallery, Poznan; Legnica Festival of Silver; Jubinale Fair, Krakow; Regional Museum Sandomierz; Gallery of Art, Legnica; City Museum, Zabrze.



- MOIM ZDANIEM / IN MY OPINION, Magan Gallery, London, UK; China International Jewellery Fair, Beijing, China

- JEWELRY AND TECHNOLOGY, Tincal Lab, Porto, Portugal

- MA BY PROJECT - DEGREE SHOW, The Sir John Cass Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, London

- SO FRESH + SO CLEAN, Ethical Metalsmiths' International Student Exhibition (USA) (online)

- GIOIELLI IN FERMENTO (Master's Students Selection), Castel San Giovanni (PC), Italy

- DISCOVER: WORKS INSPIRED BY FOUND OBJECTS, Garland Magazine, Issue #10, Crafts Council Australia (online)

- TRASH ART, Groundwork Gallery, King's Lynn, UK



- SIERAAD International Jewellery Art Fair, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

- JEWELRY AND MUSIC, Tincal Lab, Porto, Portugal

- SO FRESH + SO CLEAN, Ethical Metalsmiths' International Student Exhibition (USA) (online)

- IDENTITY, Legnica Festival of Silver, selected for the XXVI International Jewellery Competition, Legnica, Poland

- 20:20 VISIONS - The Association for Contemporary Jewellery's 20th anniversary national touring exhibition, UK



- JEWELRY AND CINEMA, Tincal Lab, Porto, Portugal


- JEWELRY AND ARCHITECTURE, Tincal Lab, Porto, Portugal


- NEW DESIGNERS, Business Design Centre, London, UK

- DEGREE SHOW, Colchester School of Art, Colchester, UK




- NEW DESIGNERS, Business Design Centre, London, UK



2013 and earlier

- UNDERSONG, Belfry Arts Centre, Overstrand, Norfolk, UK

- THE BUTTON PROJECT, Silk Museums, Macclesfield, UK

- LIMINAL, SlackSpace, Colchester, UK

- FORGING AHEAD, A CURATED EXHIBITION OF METAL ART. Belfry Arts Centre, Overstrand, Norfolk, UK

- SHOW OF HANDS, The Benham Gallery, Cuckoo Farm Studios, Colchester, UK



- ONGOING – individual tailored mentoring sessions and programmes for jewellery students and artists

- March 2023 – Lecture at Amber Trip, XIX International Baltic Jewellery Show, Vilnius, Lithuania

- January 2023 – Lecture at Academy of Fine Arts, Wroclaw, Poland

- September 2022 – Opening lecture at ŠperkStret Conference of Contemporary Jewellery, Bratislava, Slovakia

- September 2021 – Lecture and workshop with Contemporary Jewellery Diploma students, Silverhub jewellery school, Edinburgh, UK

- March 2021 – Keynote lecture, Nuda Vita international project virtual conference

- February 2020 – Panel moderator and speaker at SKOK Collective pop-up exhibition, Meduza Café, Belgrade, Serbia

- September 2019 – Artist talk and pop-up exhibition, Bloc Gallery, Edinburgh, UK

- September 2019 – Lecture and workshop with Contemporary Jewellery Diploma students, Silverhub jewellery school, Edinburgh, UK

- February 2019 – Lecture and workshop with Contemporary Jewellery Diploma students, Silverhub jewellery school, Edinburgh, UK




- A Call to Art, or The Turbulence of a More Originary Questioning, catalogue essay for the exhibition project 'Cosmos, Lem, Jewellery” (publication date TBC)


Published articles, reviews and essays

Kontrapunkt No.2 - Permission To Speak - book main texts and lead editing, March 2024

Le Noeud Revu / The Knot Reviewed - curatorial exhibition text, October 2023

Kontrapunkt Collective - Group self-interview (co-author), in Current Obsession website, 13 September 2022

- Kontrapunkt – introductory catalogue text, September 2022

- A Universe in a Book – Book review of Manfred Bischoff: Ding Dong in Art Jewelry Forum, September 2022

- Intimate Revolt and the Need to Create Dangerously, two-part lecture delivered during the Nuda Vita international project virtual conference, 12 March 2021, published in the Nuda Vita catalogue, 3rd edition, April 2021

- Intimate Revolt for a universal polis, catalogue essay for the Nuda Vita international project, 2nd edition, March 2020

- Collective Action at JOYA 2019, in Klimt02, September 2019 (full essay), and in JOYA Barcelona Art Jewelry & Objects catalogue, October 2019 (extract)

- In Search of the Found, essay and exhibition catalogue, produced for eponymous exhibition curated at the 48th SNAG Conference, Chicago, May 2019

- Jewellery in the Age of Cataclysm, in Findings (Association for Contemporary Jewellery magazine), Issue 68, Spring 2019

- Are You Ready To Wear It?, in Findings (Association for Contemporary Jewellery magazine), Issue 68, Spring 2019

- Ruudt Peters: Bron/Source, book review in Klimt02, June 2019, and in Findings (Association for Contemporary Jewellery magazine), Issue 68, Spring 2019

- Hall of Mirrors: on journeying, viewing, and the critical legacy of encounters. A reflective essay. (Te Ao Hurihuri / Ever

Changing World, a collaboration between Dialogue Collective and Handshake Project, The Crypt Gallery, London, 23-27 October 2018), Klimt02, 16 April 2019

- Happy 80th Birthday, Bob!, A personal homage to Robert Ebendorf, in Findings (Association for Contemporary Jewellery magazine), Issue 67, Autumn 2018

- The Making Enigma, or The Tale of Being Human: in conversation with Jordi Aparicio and Adi Toch, in the catalogue of the European Prize for the Applied Arts, published by the World Crafts Council, Belgium Francophone (WCC- BF), now BeCraft, October 2018

- Holy Schmuck!, in Findings (Association for Contemporary Jewellery magazine), Issue 66, Spring 2018

- Forging New Jewellery Histories, in Findings (Association for Contemporary Jewellery magazine), Issue 66, Spring 2018

- Jorge Manilla: Abruptions (Munich Jewellery Week 2017), in Findings (Association for Contemporary Jewellery magazine), Issue 65, Autumn 2017

- Initiation 2017 - Part 1: Lifting the veil (AIR Programme, Athens, 11-18 September 2017), in Findings (Association for Contemporary Jewellery magazine), Issue 65, Autumn 2017

- An Enamelling Adventure, in Findings (Association for Contemporary Jewellery magazine), Issue 64, Spring 2017

- Tincal Lab - Porto's New Space for Contemporary Jewellery, in Findings (Association for Contemporary Jewellery magazine), Issue 64, Spring 2017

- Summer Workshop at Ravstedhus, in the Guild Of Enamellers' magazine, Autumn 2016

- Alice Anderson: Memory Movement Memory Object (Wellcome Collection) in Findings (Association for Contemporary Jewellery magazine), Issue 62, Spring 2016

- Kevin Coates: A Bestiary of Jewels and In Conversation: Dr Coates and Prof Cook (Ashmolean Museum) in Findings (Association for Contemporary Jewellery magazine), Issue 58, Spring 2014


Books and Magazines – Work featured

- Interview feature together with GroundWork Gallery, “TRASHART” by Ruthie Collins, UK Handmade magazine, Spring 2018, pp. 64-71

- "Round The Bend", cover image in Findings (Association for Contemporary Jewellery magazine), Issue 65, Autumn 2017

- "Once Upon This Time" ensemble, in Mark Fenn's Tales From The Tool Box: Narrative Jewelry, Schiller Publishing (2017)

- Cuff from "Earth" series, in Matthew Runfola's Metal Patination Techniques for Jewelers and Metalsmiths, Thames & Hudson (2014) [NOTE: American edition: Matthew Runfola, Patina: 300+ Coloration Effects for Jewelers & Metalsmiths, Interweave Press LLC (2014) ]



CURRENT MEMBER: Art Jewelry Forum (AJF); Society of North American Goldsmiths (SNAG); Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo (AGC); Crafts Council (UK) Directory


- Association for Contemporary Jewellery (ACJ):

- Features Editor for Findings magazine (Issue 66, Spring 2018; Issue 67, Autumn 2018; Issue 68, Spring 2019)

- Member of the Advisory Board (2017-2019)

- Judge for ArtsThread Global design Graduate Show (in collaboration with Gucci), 2020, 2021